The Pathless is the latest game created by Giant Squid studios. A mysterious island is plagued with darkness emanating from cursed beings, and it's up to…
Austin Wintory loves a challenge! But he had no idea the level of granular music adaptations he'd have to write to keep his music as seamless as the…
When composer Chad Seiter got an invitation to create a live concert of music from video games, he immediately thought how awesome it would be to shine…
A lifelong love of science is the spark that galvanized composer Austin Wintory to mount an ambitious Kickstarter campaign to bring his October 5th…
Every game composer I've talked with has so much respect for the musicians who bring their music to life on the soundtracks. In this episode we'll meet…
With two new OST's, Absolver and Tooth and Tail, Austin Wintory returned to the idea of scoring combat like a dance sequence, which he first developed on…
Austin Wintory's music for DeFormers, from Ready at Dawn Studios, is a kaleidoscope of iconic sounds of Spaghetti Westerns and circus bands. He said his…
After performing on many game and film soundtracks, cellist Tina Guo has just released her own collection of iconic game themes: Game On! In our…
Jason Graves and Austin Wintory are teaming up with the American Youth Symphony for a "Game Changer" Concert on February 12 in Los Angeles. The orchestra…
One of the highlights of this year's Music and Gaming Festival, Jan 4-8 was a concert of music by Austin Wintory performed by the Videri String Quartet,…