Connecticut Republicans continue to push for election reforms despite the rejection of their proposal in the General Administration and Elections Committee.
Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim and challenger John Gomes engaged in a contentious debate on Monday ahead of Tuesday’s court-ordered redo of their Democratic primary for mayor.
The redo Democratic primary for mayor in Bridgeport between Mayor Joe Ganim and challenger John Gomes is on Tuesday. The state is monitoring the election to ensure that there’s no absentee ballot abuse.
Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim supports the state’s call for nonpartisan volunteers with legal experience to help monitor the city's Democratic primary redo next week.
Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim has accepted full responsibility for the absentee ballot fraud in the September mayoral primary election. He maintains that he was not aware of the scheme before the videos were released.
Absentee voting has recently come into the spotlight in Connecticut thanks to allegations of voter fraud in Bridgeport’s Democratic primary election.
Employees of child care providers in Connecticut will soon receive wage support payments from the state.
A Bridgeport City councilman has called for a new primary election for the nomination to a state House seat after city election officials lost track of several ballots.
In the 2020 election, an executive order by Governor Ned Lamont allowed people to vote by mail to curb the spread of COVID-19. Merrill said that led to the highest voter turnout in decades.
Connecticut state representatives this week passed a resolution to expand no-excuse absentee voting. However, the House resolution did not reach the 75%…