Elisabeth DeLuca, a nurse and former wife of Subway founder and billionaire Fred DeLuca, donated $50 million to the university for a new nursing school. The donation is the largest in UConn’s history.
Registered nurses at Backus Hospital in Norwich, Connecticut say hospital administrators are violating a state mandatory overtime law. They’ve filed for an injunction in court.
Students from the now-closed Stone Academy are getting back on track with their practical nursing education with help from the Griffin Hospital School of Allied Health Careers, which is providing free workforce training to more than 30 students.
A CT judge granted a prejudgment remedy of $5 million, a step that requires Stone Academy to secure assets to pay damages if found liable.
The Connecticut Senate's amendment would issue reimbursement and stipends to Stone Academy students left in limbo after the nursing school's closure.
Connecticut faces a health care professional shortage. The state needs 3,000 new registered nurses every year, but nursing schools only graduate 1,900. A $3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor will work to close the gap.
Connecticut lawmakers will consider legislation to eliminate mandatory overtime for hospital nurses. It’s in response to union worker concerns about staffing shortages at hospitals.
The union representing school nurses in New Haven, AFSCME Local 1303-467, has reached a six-year contract agreement with the city.
The Supreme Court could hear the case of 10 Filipino nurses and their lawyer later this month who were arrested after they all quit their jobs at a Long Island care home on the same day in 2007.
Nurses at Windham Hospital in Connecticut have finally agreed new contracts with their employer Hartford Healthcare a year after their previous contracts expired.