The invasive water plant Hydrilla is choking the Connecticut River, but efforts to remove it have shown promising results.
Connecticut was nicknamed the "Provisions State" for its contributions to the war effort. Elizabeth Kaeser of the Connecticut River Museum says that is reason to celebrate this Independence Day.
An invasive aquatic plant is taking over the Connecticut River, and scientists are putting red dye in the river to figure out a solution. Hydrilla, also called waterthymes, is a threat to aquatic wildlife and drinking water.
The state is asking all farmers to report their losses to their USDA Farm Service Agency so that they can be reported to the federal government in a request for a disaster declaration.
Amtrak will begin finding contractors in early 2023 for construction of a new Connecticut River Bridge.
The latest report from the U.S. Drought Monitor shows the majority of the state is in a “severe” drought, while conditions in the easternmost parts of the state have escalated to “extreme."
About $65 million will support the replacement of the Connecticut River Bridge between Old Saybrook and Old Lyme. The rest of the money goes to electrical substations along the New Haven line.
The annual four-state effort to remove trash from the 410-mile Connecticut River will still be held this month, but with some changes because of the…
The Connecticut River springs to life in Pittsburg, New Hampshire, just a few hundred yards from the Canadian border. From there, it snakes 400 or miles…
Connecticut Fund for the Environment, the state’s largest environmental group, says runoff from a sewage treatment plant in Springfield, Massachusetts,…