Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont has proposed legislation that would require homeowners and landlords to provide energy efficiency audits of their homes and apartments.
Latisha Douglas is a landlord with several properties in Hartford. She said she likes the proposal because it would mean that utility costs would no longer be a surprise for prospective tenants.
“I don't want my tenants to be in a situation where they have to choose between paying rent and paying their utility bill,” Douglas said.
The average single-family home in Connecticut spends about $3,600 in energy costs a year. That’s the second highest in the nation.
Lamont said the legislation would help buyers and tenants make an affordable home choice. And in turn put pressure on homeowners and landlords to maintain more energy efficient properties.
“Now when you are a landlord and they say what do you think about insulating? What do you think about changing out some of those appliances? Now there’s an added incentive to do it,” Lamont said.
Lamont said low-income residents would also benefit from more energy efficient homes.