Connecticut officials have launched a week of action to get residents in hard-to-reach communities to respond to the 2020 U.S. Census. They are stepping up their efforts now that new cases of COVID-19 are on the decline.
Lt. Governor Susan Byseiwicz heads the Connecticut Complete Count Committee. She was in the densely populated Hollow neighborhood in Bridgeport, the state’s largest city, to help kick off the outreach Monday.
“We are going to do a neighborhood walk. Hang door hangers, remind people that $11 billion of funding comes to our state for critical programs that every family depends on. Everything from Medicaid to SNAP, Head Start, hospital funding.”
Bysiewiecz says Connecticut’s response rate so far is about 65%. That exceeds the national average of 61%. But in Bridgeport, the response rate is about 47%. That’s why extra effort is needed to reach households in the city and other hard-to-reach urban and rural communities in Connecticut.