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DeLauro declares New Haven the 'pizza capital' of the country

U.S. Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03) and New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker (D).
Molly Ingram
U.S. Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03) and New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker (D).

U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) has declared New Haven the “Pizza Capital of the United States.”

According to DeLauro, Connecticut has the most pizzerias of any state per capita, and the most family-owned pizzerias of any state in the country.

“There is something special about New Haven pizza. Some say it is coal fire, some say brick ovens. Some say it is char. Some say it is the water used to make the dough. Personally, I believe it is generation after generation of dedication to the craft,” DeLauro declared in a 90-second speech on the House floor on Wednesday.

More than 100 Connecticut pizza makers, community leaders and lawmakers watched as DeLauro read the declaration into the Congressional Record.

The group, who all flew to D.C. together on a chartered Avelo flight from New Haven, also visited the Vietnam Memorial and had lunch at Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana’s Virginia location.

New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker went on the trip.

“Many things are debated in the halls of Congress and Washington, D.C., but one thing that’s not up for debate is that New Haven has the best pizza in the country. Our local pizzerias are local, national and international destinations, and New Haven-style pizzerias are being established and shipping their pizza products all over the globe. However, there’s nothing like going to the actual source, and I encourage everyone to come visit New Haven, enjoy our pizza and all our city has to offer,” Elicker said.

Pizza is sometimes called apizza (pronounced ah-beetz) after the original way “la pizza” was pronounced in southern Italy.

Molly is a reporter covering Connecticut. She also produces Long Story Short, a podcast exploring public policy issues across Connecticut.