Connecticut is participating in a national abortion hotline established by New York Attorney General Letitia James. It provides pro bono legal advice to women seeking abortion services.
A volunteer network of lawyers from private law will be available through the hotline, said William Tong, Connecticut’s attorney general.
“There are a number of big Connecticut firms that are also a part of this hotline effort. They are ready to provide pro bono legal services. It is an army of lawyers. I want to thank the New York attorney general for enabling us to be a part of it,” he said.
The lawyers will give free legal advice and representation to patients and providers regarding their rights to access and provide abortions.
“If the pro bono lawyers can help them they will," Tong said. "If they can't help them and somebody else can, they’ll try to find the right person to help them. But anybody who needs help should call.”
Abortion providers say more than 75 out-of-state women, some from as far away as Texas, have sought abortion services in Connecticut, just in the past month.
Tong is also appointing a new special counsel for reproductive rights
to lead his office in protecting abortion rights. Connecticut codified the protections in the Roe v. Wade decision into state law in 1990.