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Plunging into the new year with the Ithaca Chill Challenge

Despite a chilly New Year’s Day, some Ithaca residents rang in 2025 with a polar plunge in Cayuga Lake to raise $50,000 for addiction recovery services. It's called the Ithaca Chill Challenge and WSKG's Aurora Berry was there.


AURORA BERRY: Around 200 people are gathered at the Ithaca Yacht club for a huge party. Friends and family have come together to celebrate the new year. People are eagerly chatting away. Many are wearing elaborate costumes. There's a Grinch, some lobsters and a crew of aliens.

Oh - and some of them are getting prepared to take a dive into the bitterly cold Cayuga Lake.

Sally Salamon explains the rules.

SALLY SALAMON: When you go in the water, there's gonna be a line of balloons. The goal is to go in and grab one of the balloons. 

BERRY: The event, now in its 10th year, was created to raise money for Ithaca Community Recovery, which provides a space for Alcoholics Anonymous and other recovery groups to meet.

SALAMON: It's just a real hub of the recovery community in Ithaca.

BERRY: People vote with their donations on whether participants will “dip” in the lake or “dodge” the plunge and watch from the shore. Salamon has escaped the icy clutches of the lake this year, and will be dodging.

SALAMON: I think this event is a good reminder that we can still have a lot of fun in recovery and in sobriety.

BERRY: Chris Lopez, on the other hand, will be going in the lake.

CHRIS LOPEZ: It's gonna be interesting (laughter).

BERRY: For him, it’s a way to show support for an organization that changed his life. Ithaca Community Recovery, located in downtown Ithaca, is often referred to by its address number, 518.

LOPEZ: I recently joined the AA program at 518 and so I do know others that are in the recovery program. I just was inspired through my sobriety and the help that they've done to help raise money to jump in here and do my part, because they've helped me so much to become a new person.

BERRY: Lopez says he's excited for what the new year will bring.

LOPEZ: This is my way of baptism by ice cold water to just start my sober life new. Just, you know, be the best father and husband and son that I can be this year.

BERRY: Kat Meadows is an experienced "chill challenger."

KAT MEADOWS: I am a strong believer in both recovery and cold plunges. Big fan of both things.

BERRY: Meadows is plunging with a group called "Freezin’ for a Reason." She spent the morning trying to convince her first-time teammates that the water isn’t really that cold.

MEADOWS: Your skin doesn't feel like skin afterwards for like 10 minutes, but it's not that bad.

BERRY: And with that glowing review, it’s off to the lake.


BERRY: The chosen dippers line up on the shoreline. Bobbing over 20 feet out in the gray waters of Cayuga Lake is a line of brightly colored balloons. Participants are called up in groups to run into the freezing water and retrieve their balloon in front of a crowd of cheering onlookers with cowbells.


ANNOUNCER: Alright guys, you ready? Here it goes. Nice day for a swim. One, two, three... in the water! 

BERRY: The shore slopes down gradually into chest deep water, so there’s no getting the plunge over with quickly. There are a few different reactions to the Chill Challenge. Some take their time, submerge themselves to get the full experience, and then leisurely return to shore.


BERRY: But, most people run to their balloon and then out of the water as fast as possible, usually with a look of, “Oh God, why did I do this to myself?”


BERRY: Meadows’ group falls in that category.


ANNOUNCER: Freezin’ for a Reason. Love that name.

BERRY: The team, which includes two members in cow and shark costumes, makes a beeline for their balloons. Then they make a final sprint towards the shore where a roaring fire, blankets and supporters await. I catch up with them there.


BERRY:  Good way to start 2025?

MEADOWS: Oh hell yeah! The only way to start 2025.

BERRY: A start to the new year powered by the cold and community.